

NemeGaming is a network of Minecraft servers that has been around since November of 2011. We have experience with hosting fun, popular Minecraft servers!

Our current servers:
- Factions
- OP Factions
- OP Prison
- Kit-PvP
- SkyWars
- Minigames
*** FFA (Free For All)
*** TDM (Team Deathmatch)
*** CTF (Capture The Flag)
*** MA (Mob Arena)
*** Demolition
*** Spleef

This server was added by the CraftSearch Ads Team. If you do not want your server to be shown here, contact us on [email protected]. You will need to prove that you have the ownership of the server to request a deletion.


Version: NemeCord 1.7.x-1.14.x

Players: 131/450

Mode: Premium

Whitelist: No